Men write books?

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My book club recently announced this: in three years we’ve read only two books by men. Do you think that’s bc the big book clubs pick less make authors?

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I can't remember how I found you but you're hilarious! Im laughing so much. Mmmm....good medicine!! Lone Women it is!!!! Ordered.

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My dad always jokes that he never sees me reading books by men and it's not even intentional, they just really do not cross my radar as much and even though there are defo some books by men on my TBR they just keep getting buried deeper and deeper by other books. Their time will come eventually I imagine, I just don't know when.

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Hello! I was wondering when the new edition of DEATH COMES FOR THE ARCHBISHOP comes out? I’d like to get a copy for my mom.

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I sometimes get so behind on New Yorkers (why is it SO relentless?), and so stressed about being so behind, that I decided my Too Many New Yorkers Rule would be, "Is the Fiction written by a man? If so, skip."

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