Let’s start with the anxiety, shall we? I am going to Australia in May for the Melbourne Writers Festival—if you live in Melbourne, come! I will be talking with Gabrielle Zevin, Tomorrow x 4!—and I had to renew my passport. Easy, right? Wrong. I sent it off in January, and now it’s April, and still no passport. Last week I truly began to spiral out of control. Luckily, many of you have also spiraled in just this way! I was heartened to learn how many of my friends and acquaintances had also given all their information to somewhat sketchy businesses to speed up the passport process OR called their congressperson to help with said problem OR booked a flight to Canada in order to meet the rush criteria at the post office OR taken the train to Buffalo/Massachusetts/various other places. I took the first route, giving all my personal information to a stranger. I felt a lot better about it after seeing the inside of his office.
Claire Danes! Suze Orman! Paul Rudd! If this guy was just stealing identities, all these people have way more money in their bank accounts than I do. I was feeling really good about it until I walked out of the office and saw that the entire wall with the door to the main office was a photo of Melania Trump’s face. I’m talking the whole wall. Her face was easily six feet across. It was wallpaper, it was a black and white glamour shot, it was confusing. Hopefully I should have my passport tomorrow.
I’m feeling slightly less anxious now. Also, when I take my glasses off, I am Full Turtle. I didn’t use to be Full Turtle, but there I am. Turtle Face.
Okay, time to move on to my next Large Anxiety, the paperback publication of This Time Tomorrow. I keep telling my publisher that it’s not just a book, that it’s the most important thing in the world to me, that next to all my other novels on a shelf, it’s a completely different species. That was true before my dad died, but now, ten thousand percent more. I can’t speak to all the books I’ll write in the future—who knows what’s coming, not me—but I can say with complete certainty that for now, this book means more to me than anything else I’ve ever written. If you read it and enjoyed it, thank you. If you read this newsletter and have been waiting for paperback, you’re in luck. Here’s what its new face looks like.
She’s a rainbow. Here’s a link to the PRH site. Here’s a link to preorder it at Books Are Magic. I am planning a truly bonkers launch event, a lemonade stand, and a small tour spread out over this summer. Details to come on those. For now, here she is, my whole heart. I’ve added an essay at the back about my dad. I really truly think that everyone who has ever sat next to someone they love in a hospital bed should read it. Or anyone who likes Mariah Carey. I’ve been working hard on the screenplay and so you should also read it before the movie comes out. Bragging rights are clutch.
Now I’m on spring break with my children, which I can describe in one photograph.
These were all in one suitcase. It weighed 700 pounds. We are only gone for four days. The D + D movie is very fun, btw! Two thumbs up. Chris Pine 4 ever.
This Time Tomorrow was my favorite book I read last year. It was so touching and funny and unpredictable and sweet. I hope everyone who hasn't read it yet runs out immediately and does so now.
I just finished the recent Janet Yellen biography and in it I learned that she & her husband & son used to vacation with 4 suitcases, 3 for each of their clothes and 1 exclusively for books. Seemed absolutely right to me.