This Time Tomorrow was my favorite book I read last year. It was so touching and funny and unpredictable and sweet. I hope everyone who hasn't read it yet runs out immediately and does so now.

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I just finished the recent Janet Yellen biography and in it I learned that she & her husband & son used to vacation with 4 suitcases, 3 for each of their clothes and 1 exclusively for books. Seemed absolutely right to me.

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Melburnians rejoice! Can't wait to see you here at the Writer's Fest in May. You'll have a great time, but bring boots and a cardigan, it'll be cold. Loved This Time Tomorrow and now am deeply involved with Laura Lamont, what a girl!

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OMG I have traveled so many places with a 700 lb suitcase full of D&D books. 🙌

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This Time Tomorrow is more than a book (with many great book qualities) - it is an act of LOVE that I felt rather than read, with every fiber of my being.

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This Time Tomorrow is one of my favourite books ever. We are the same age, and so all the references really resonated. Makes me wish we really could go back and see how our parents were as young adults. Also made me appreciate who they are as people, not just my parents.

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Peace, peace, peace!

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OMG the Melania wallll 😬 But glad you will soon have your passport!

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I love you, your books, your substack! I'm always cheering for you!!! Go Emma, go! Hope your book tour brings you to San Francisco soon! X

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Your passport is ADORABLE. Can’t wait to read your book!

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Passport photo*

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Heavy on the if you’ve sat next to a loved one in the hospital. 🥲

So much love to you! 🩷💜

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Will you be in Sydney at all? Safe travels.

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