you GOTTA write Time Brothers under the pen name Leonard Stern. Duh. Make it a picture book. Make it funny. And weird. And set in Brooklyn. Grazie muchissimo.
Pre-ordered your NEW book from my local bookstore and just bought my tix yesterday to see you in conversation with Celeste Ng in Cambridge at the end of the month. The world is so troubling right now, it's a gift to have great fiction (and fun events) to escape into. Thank you and Happy Pub Day!! you GOTTA write Time Brothers under the pen name Leonard Stern. Duh. Make it a picture book. Make it funny. And weird. And set in Brooklyn. Grazie muchissimo.
Pre-ordered your NEW book from my local bookstore and just bought my tix yesterday to see you in conversation with Celeste Ng in Cambridge at the end of the month. The world is so troubling right now, it's a gift to have great fiction (and fun events) to escape into. Thank you and Happy Pub Day!!
see you tonight!
Congratulations Emma!