Jan 20, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

Thank you and we are grateful for you! We are having a terrible time in Arkansas right now. Bad laws being introduced, banned books, etc. I do what I can to make sure all kids get all the information they may need. I also have a trans adult child so I am a advocate for everyone, no matter who they are.

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Hi. I am a fiction writer who likes writing poetry,, Im an avid, obssessed? reader and I taught high school English for 20 years in Northampton Ma (Im originall from Brooklyn.. My heart goes out to all who live in certain parts of the country where books are not a priority. Im curious (Im collecting banned book lists from all over the US and beyond ( which for some Americans means only London and Paris).

I also have a transgendered "kid, now 36, female to male. I'd be open to answering questions you have- i may not have many quick answers but i can a/listen and b) offer literature that CAN. HELP. Find the poetry of H. Melt. H. Melt has a very fine and acceisble short book of poetry WE ARE TRANS, and it is one of the better books Ive found. I dont know olld your "adult" child is but some powerful novels abut transgender people are 'around"( more than few have ben hidden, and harassed, but at the same time there is is a growing movement whose QUALITATIVE movement ad intent will NEVER be turned around. The sooner the freakedd-out, and the conservatives get this, ,the better off we all will be with more trans/ portation best, Ernie Brill. erbrll69@gmail.com

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

As a grandmother (Mimi) I’m thrilled you’re having so much success! I hope there’s a budding writer somewhere amongst our grandkids (especially one with such gifts)! But also as Mimi I’m so damn thankful to the writers and librarians and school board members who fight every day to keep books on shelves! If Americans think this just phase, or the case of just a few random hateful electeds, it’s not! This is a planned takedown of our society and they’re only just getting started. Support all of the above; writers, bookstores, libraries, school boards, or our children and grandchildren will suffer more ignorance and hate than we’re seeing now. Thank you Emma! Keep going!

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

You are such a force for good. Great advice to concerned parents! 💖

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Amen !!!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

Thank you for your newsletter, always, but in particular for this: "That’s what we should all be worried about—that the books that will help kids understand that they are not alone in whatever they are feeling, or books that will help children better empathize with their peers—are no longer on the library’s shelf." This is EXACTLY the worry, and thank you for galvanizing readers/parents/citizens to keep trying to do something about it.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

Mitch is the best! I know him from my bookstore days. Also fuck those schools that disinvited you. I worry that kids won't get the books they need. It's so important to read and read widely!

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

Holy shite, I had not seen the entire banned-books list in one place! Gaah. Before I too invite my cats for a mental-wellness snuggle, I am going to share and purchase a good portion to stir up a large wave to ride into a better place and make sure this dangerous sea change cannot take (more) hold.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

Sorry…I know a few people who are living in Texas due to being in the service…but Fuck Texas! Do they think you would say “Fuck” when speaking to little kids? Are they out of their minds? YES!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

I love these newsletters, they are such a joy to read!

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Jan 21, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

So glad I get your newsletter! Loved your books and your store but now I love you too!

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Thank you for using your voice And platform!! You re a true gem 💎I love your books and just recently purchased Very Good Hats for a very good friend’s son ❤️

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

I appreciate you so much and all that you do for (in no particular order) librarians, podcasters, readers, kids, humans, and for your fabulous smile-inducing newsletter... these are all the things!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Emma Straub

Grateful for you and cheering you on always from NC!

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Thanks so much for your newsletter, it resonated with me in a multitude of ways, too numerous to mention here, but I do want to take the time to say how much I appreciate your thoughts and sentiments with regard to book banning and I am so sorry they canceled your appearance. I am frustrated to no end with the state I live in, Florida. I was born and raised in NY but have been living in FL since 2002 and I am freaking embarrassed about it! Such a shame because Florida has so much to offer culturally, yet, it is its own Victoria's secret with what goes on "when no one is looking" and...well...a whole lot more that this is not the format for. But keep it up, Girl! Also, you are a true mentor as I am about to publish my first book (1 of 4 in the works) and I truly look up to all that you have accomplished.

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Well this teacher would love you to come to our school! But alas we are in England. World book day is coming up and we would love to do Very Good Hats as our whole school book do you know how can get copies over here?

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I...would like to go to all of these places. Even the places that ban books (with an armful of banned book).

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